Where life and faith connect

Welcome to Providence!

We look forward to seeing you at church!

Sunday Worship Services

Traditional Worship at 10 am
Contemporary Worship at 11:15 am

First Time Here?

Welcome to Providence Presbyterian Church, “Where Life and Faith Connect.” There is a place for you here. Come and explore what God can do for you and your family.

Presbyterian church
Presbyterian church


Providence Presbyterian Church is a fellowship of believers called to service by God through
Jesus Christ

Worship & Music

God comes to us with grace through his son Jesus, who lived among us, and died for our sins.

Kids & Youth

Next Generation Ministry is a safe and welcoming place for kids and youth to grow in their identities, faith, friendships, and the community of all believers


At Providence we have a saying, “Be the Church, Make a Difference.” You can make a difference!

Matthew 25

The Matthew 25 initiative calls all of us to actively engage in the world around us by Building Congregational Vitality, Dismantling Structural Racism, and Eradicating Systemic Poverty.

Upcoming Events

Traditional Worship

Contemporary Worship

Become an Ally for the LBGTQ+ Community

Short Stories by Jesus