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Winter Retreat 2024

January 13 - January 15

Winter Retreat 2024

January 13-15, 2024

Sign up today for our Winter Retreat! This trip open to all current 7-12 graders; friends are welcome, too!

We’ll be traveling to Massanetta Springs Camp & Conference Center to spend time there and at Massanutten resort. This trip is a “choose your own adventure” experience, as we are offering skiing, snowboarding, or an indoor waterpark option. We’ll also all go snow tubing.

Throughout the weekend, we’ll connect with old and new friends, through games and winter fun! We’ll have our friends from Falls Church, Geneva Presbyterian, Mount Vernon Presbyterian as well as new friends from Bradley Hills Presbyterian!

Registration is open now through December 3, 2023!

Pricing Breakdown

Indoor Water Park

*Early Bird (Nov.12) $275*

Standard (Dec.3rd) $325

Includes: transportation to and from, lodging at Massanetta, indoor waterpark admission, tubing, dinner on Friday, breakfast and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday, an evening activity, and a Winter Retreat t-shirt.


*Early Bird (Nov. 12th) $350*

Standard (Dec. 3rd) $400

Early Bird First Time Skier/Snowboarder (Nov. 12) $395

Standard First Time Skier/Snowboarder (Dec. 3rd) $450

Includes: transportation to and from, lodging at Massanetta, lift ticket, ski/snowboard rental, helmet, and lesson (for first time skier/snowboarder), tubing, dinner on Friday, breakfast and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday, an evening activity, and a Winter Retreat t-shirt.


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