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Adult Ministry Bible Study

October 30, 2023 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Amos & Hosea:
Boundaries, Tough Love, Amazing Grace

The Providence Monday evening Bible study group starts our 2023-24 program year focusing on two little-appreciated Old Testament prophets: Amos and Hosea.  This study challenges study groups to join the prophets in being boundary-crossers; to cross the boundary between religion and politics, or that boundary between “us” and “them”. Amos’ and Hosea’s message is surely relevant for a society such as ours, divided on issues of theology, politics, economics, government, and morality. We need to hear about God’s tough love and amazing grace which are extended by the Lord to a people who have often broken the divine heart.

The class will meet on Monday evenings at 7:30 pm running from September 11 through October 30 in the Parlor and via Zoom. It will be facilitated by David Kepley, Terry Lamb, and Ray Monroe. We will use a Kerygma based textbook to inform our conversations. The cost of the textbook is $25.  Please let David Kepley know if you would like a copy of the textbook, so he can order one for you.



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