Building Blocks Hygiene Kits
May 22, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Donations due May 22!
The items requested are:
body wash & bar soap
shampoo & conditioner
toothpaste & toothbrushes
Through Providence’s Building Blocks partnership with Fairfax County Public Schools, we will again be collecting hygiene kit items to help at-risk students at Annandale High School. We will be collecting kit items during the first four Sundays of May and will deliver the kits before the end of May for students to take home and use over the summer vacation. We are requesting medium-sized items so the kits will not be too bulky. Any brand is fine.
There will be a clearly marked container in the Narthex for donations.
Questions? Contact Kathy Hermann or Beverly Harris .