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Webster Springs School Supply Mission

May 29, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


For the fourth year in a row, we are supporting our friends in Webster County, West Virginia by providing school supplies and backpacks for families in need.  These supplies will be provided to students in grades K-12 at an event sponsored by the Upperglade Presbyterian Church in early August.

The need in Webster County is great.  The pandemic has only worsened the county’s economic depression.  The absence of tourists seeking white water or the hundreds of mission team volunteers who patronize their businesses all summer means that businesses and those who work for them are struggling.  Your help is needed more than ever.

For a complete list of needed items, please see the Amazon Wishlist at the link below.  You can donate in one of three ways:

» Purchase items from the Amazon Wishlist HERE. If needed, here is the address for Amazon orders: Upper Glade Presbyterian Church, c/o Jimmy Utt, 1408 GIVENS RUN RD, UPPERGLADE, WV 26266-9706

» Send cash donations to the Providence Financial Manager; please be sure to note the donation is for school supplies. Cash will be used to purchase supplies and pay for delivery to Upper Glade Presbyterian Church.

» Purchase items in a store and drop off at the church.

Please make donations by Friday, June 17 so items can be gathered and delivered to Webster County by the Mission Team departing for Webster Springs on June 25!  Thank you for your faithful giving! 


WS School Supply 2022

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