Featured Event
Contemporary Worship
Join us in Taylor Hall for our Contemporary worship service on Sundays at 11:15 am. Most Sundays, music is provided by our Worship Band. The service is also live streamed…
Rummage Sale PRESALE
RUMMAGE SALE: MARCH 22, 8AM-1PM RUMMAGE SALE PRESALE: MARCH 21, 12-3PM, $5 The Next Generation Ministry Rummage Sale is our one big fundraiser for the year! Besides being incredibly fun, we fundraise enough money to support almost every program, scholarship, or any other event we do for the next year. Please reach out to Bertha M.…
Rummage Sale
RUMMAGE SALE: MARCH 22, 8AM-1PM RUMMAGE SALE PRESALE: MARCH 21, 12-3PM, $5 The Next Generation Ministry Rummage Sale is our one big fundraiser for the year! Besides being incredibly fun,…
Traditional Worship
Join us in the Sanctuary for our Traditional worship service on Sundays at 10:00 am. Most Sundays, music is provided by our Sanctuary Choir. The service is also live streamed…
Contemporary Worship
Join us in Taylor Hall for our Contemporary worship service on Sundays at 11:15 am. Most Sundays, music is provided by our Worship Band. The service is also live streamed…
Traditional Worship
Join us in the Sanctuary for our Traditional worship service on Sundays at 10:00 am. Most Sundays, music is provided by our Sanctuary Choir. The service is also live streamed…
Contemporary Worship
Join us in Taylor Hall for our Contemporary worship service on Sundays at 11:15 am. Most Sundays, music is provided by our Worship Band. The service is also live streamed…
Traditional Worship
Join us in the Sanctuary for our Traditional worship service on Sundays at 10:00 am. Most Sundays, music is provided by our Sanctuary Choir. The service is also live streamed…