ACCA Furniture Day
Friends and members of Providence and John Calvin Presbyterian Church will help some of our neighbors in need receive donations of furniture. Furniture Team members will meet at the ACCA Furniture Building located on the grounds of Annandale United Methodist, 6935 Columbia Pike, Annandale. Please contact Ed Burke ( for details.
Summer Worship 2023
From June 4 to September 10, Providence will offer one worship service at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary. Worship with us, enjoy a little coffee / tea / fellowship, and enjoy your summer Sunday! The service will also be live streamed through our YouTube channel.
Summer Fellowship 2023
From June 4 through September 10, worship will be at 10 am. We invite everyone to come together after worship for fellowship! We’ll meet in the hallways for light refreshments (fruit, cheese and crackers, cookies, coffee, tea) and light conversation. Be on the lookout for special events during the summer!
PYF Kickoff!
Parents and Youth are invited to join us for an evening of food, parent vs youth games, and our annual parents meeting. This is a great way to start the year, new people always welcome! 5-5:30pm-Dinner 5:30-6:45pm- Parents vs Youth Games 6:45-7:30pm-Parents Meeting & Gaga Ball (youth)
Adult Ministry Bible Study
Amos & Hosea: Boundaries, Tough Love, Amazing Grace The Providence Monday evening Bible study group starts our 2023-24 program year focusing on two little-appreciated Old Testament prophets: Amos and Hosea. This study challenges study groups to join the prophets in being boundary-crossers; to cross the boundary between religion and politics, or that boundary between “us”…
Traditional Worship
Join us in the Sanctuary for our Traditional worship service on Sundays at 10:00 am. Most Sundays, music is provided by our Sanctuary Choir. The service is also live streamed through our YouTube channel.
Contemporary Worship
Join us in Taylor Hall for our Contemporary worship service on Sundays at 11:15 am. Most Sundays, music is provided by our Worship Band. The service is also live streamed through our YouTube channel.
Providence Readers
PROVIDENCE READERS gather on most third Sundays from 3:00 - 4:30 pm in the Parlor to discuss a variety of book genres and topics. This book lover's group is open to anyone interested in attending. Please feel free to stop by whenever the book or topic interests you. For more information, please contact Paula Rogers at 703-495-9144…
Adult Ministry Bible Study
Amos & Hosea: Boundaries, Tough Love, Amazing Grace The Providence Monday evening Bible study group starts our 2023-24 program year focusing on two little-appreciated Old Testament prophets: Amos and Hosea. This study challenges study groups to join the prophets in being boundary-crossers; to cross the boundary between religion and politics, or that boundary between “us”…
Lydia Circle
LYDIA CIRCLE This program year, our Presbyterian Women’s Group will be studying "Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts”. The author of this study, Olive Mahabir, invites us “to consider Jesus and Jesus’ disciples who shared the Good News through sacred encounters with everyday people.” We meet the third Wednesday of…