Event Series Communion Care Sunday

Communion Care Sunday

Help us celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of the month by bringing to worship non-perishable food for our Food Pantry and Little Pantry. Volunteers will greet you at the indoor Food Pantry Sunday mornings to accept your donations. Our requests are posted in our bulletin and our weekly email messages the week before. Please…

Event Series Adult Min Bible Study

Adult Min Bible Study

ADULT MINISTRY OFFERING: April 17-May 15 Ruth:  A Story of Fidelity Did you realize that there is only one book in the Bible that is named after a woman?  Ruth!  The book of Ruth is an idealized story of what life would look like if God's people treated each other with God’s loving-kindness—insiders and outsiders…

Event Series Lydia Circle monthly gatherings

Lydia Circle monthly gatherings

Lydia Circle will be studying “Celebrating Sabbath-Accepting God’s Gift of Rest and Delight”. “Sabbath reminds us to honor God who honors us by giving us a day each week to reset our pace, our priorities, and our lives.” We meet the third Wednesday of each month September through June, in the Parlor starting at 9:30…

Providence Singers

Come Hear Your Providence Singers in their mission outreach to our older community. The Singers entertain with music from yester-year as well as show tunes. Their next event is at…