Providence Singers Christmas Extravaganza

Garden Ridge at Greenspring 7470 Spring Village Drive, Springfield, VA, United States

Come Hear Your Providence Singers in their mission outreach to our older community. Their Christmas Extravaganza will be at Garden Ridge at Greenspring, 7470 Spring Village Drive, Springfield, VA 22150.…

Lydia Circle

  LYDIA CIRCLE This program year, our Presbyterian Women’s Group will be studying "Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts”.  The author of this study, Olive…

Music & Reflections for Advent 2023

Escape the hubbub of the holiday season—try something different, something peaceful, quiet, and calming. Attend our ecumenical Contemplative service. The hour-long program alternates between Readings, Music, and Silence. Come as…