Contemporary Worship Service
At this service in Taylor Hall, you will experience the joy of worship through word and through music led by our Worship Band: new Christian songs and modern renditions of traditional hymns. Technology such as videos and slides help integrate the service’s content and flow.
Providence Readers
Parlor, Providence Presbyterian Church 9019 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, VA, United StatesProvidence Readers book club meets the third Sunday of most months from 3:00 - 4:30 pm in the Parlor and is open to anyone interested in attending. Please feel free to stop by whenever the book or topic interests you.
Lydia Circle
Parlor, Providence Presbyterian Church 9019 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, VA, United StatesPlease join our monthly women's circle for fellowship and Bible study. Lydia Circle meets at 9:30 am in the Parlor, on the 3rd Wednesday of the month (except July and August). All women are welcome!
Mission Trip Final Payment Due
Final Payment Due May 22, 2022 Joining together people from all walks of life as we work and serve in the community of Webster Springs, WV: June 25-July 2, 2022. We encourage families to come and serve together. This trip is open to rising 7th graders and beyond. Accommodations can be made for families who…
Sunday Coffee/Tea Fellowship
Meet up with fellow worshipers on Sundays before or between services, sip a cup of coffee or tea, enjoy a little snack (as provided). If you are interested in volunteering for setting up / cleaning up the coffee service and/or want an idea of what's involved, please email Linda Wood at ( If you're ready…
Graduation Sunday
Join us as we honor the graduates in our church family ... high school, college, advanced degrees ... at both worship services.
Building Blocks Hygiene Kits
Donations due May 22! The items requested are: body wash & bar soap shampoo & conditioner razors deodorant toothpaste & toothbrushes lotion. Through Providence’s Building Blocks partnership with Fairfax County Public Schools, we will again be collecting hygiene kit items to help at-risk students at Annandale High School. We will be collecting kit items during…
Traditional Worship
At this service in the Sanctuary, you will hear messages of God’s love for us through word and music; you will be delighted with our Sanctuary Choir and uplifted by hymns and classical music. The worship experience is enhanced by our custom-built Lively-Fulcher pipe organ, Estonia grand piano, soloists and instrumentalists.
Contemporary Worship Service
At this service in Taylor Hall, you will experience the joy of worship through word and through music led by our Worship Band: new Christian songs and modern renditions of traditional hymns. Technology such as videos and slides help integrate the service’s content and flow.
Sunday Coffee/Tea Fellowship
Meet up with fellow worshipers on Sundays before or between services, sip a cup of coffee or tea, enjoy a little snack (as provided). If you are interested in volunteering for setting up / cleaning up the coffee service and/or want an idea of what's involved, please email Linda Wood at ( If you're ready…