Communion Care Sunday
Help us celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of the month by bringing to worship non-perishable food for our Food Pantry and Little Pantry. Volunteers will greet you at the indoor Food Pantry Sunday mornings to accept your donations. Our requests are posted in our bulletin and our weekly email messages the week before. Please…
Contemporary Worship Service
Join us in Taylor Hall for our Contemporary worship service on Sundays at 11:15 am. Most Sundays, music is provided by our Worship Band. The service is also live streamed through our YouTube channel.
Adult Min Lenten Study
ADULT MINISTRY: Sowing Tears, Reaping Joy: The Bible and Brahms’ Requiem Using only biblical sources, Brahms helps us understand that while all humanity has its moments of grief, nonetheless for Christians, “grief happens in hope’s strong embrace.” What better way for us to understand the suffering, death, and resurrection of our Lord! || This class…
Maundy Thursday/Tenebrae service
Join us in our Sanctuary for our combined service for Maundy Thursday and Tenebrae (Good Friday). Click HERE to live stream the service.
Easter Service
Join us in the Sanctuary for our special Easter service! He is risen!
Book Study: This Here Flesh
This Here Flesh: Spirituality, Liberation, and the Stories That Make Us In her book This Here Flesh, Cole Arthur Riley boldly explores some of the most urgent questions of life and…
Traditional Worship Service
Join us in the Sanctuary for our Traditional worship service on Sundays at 10:00 am. Most Sundays, music is provided by our Sanctuary Choir. The service is also live streamed…
Contemporary Worship Service
Join us in Taylor Hall for our Contemporary worship service on Sundays at 11:15 am. Most Sundays, music is provided by our Worship Band. The service is also live streamed…
Providence Readers
Providence Readers meets the third Sunday of most months and is open to anyone interested in attending. Please feel free to stop by anytime we meet.
Adult Min Bible Study
ADULT MINISTRY OFFERING: April 17-May 15 Ruth: A Story of Fidelity Did you realize that there is only one book in the Bible that is named after a woman? Ruth! …